Clearance Sale

Hello everyone

Here are the details now of our sale:

7th & 8th Oct – Thurs & Fri from 10am to 3pm






bits ‘n’ bobs

religious items etc…..

all will be priced, and cash only. All proceeds are for the health and wellbeing of the sisters.

We will have a one way system, so if anyone wants a souvenir or a little something and you are near by then pop over and we will receive you with Benedictine hospitality!

Abbey clearance

Hello everyone!

In this, another hard year from the Pandemic and clearing the Monastery out, we will be shortly having a ‘clearance sale’ but the date has not been arranged yet. I will post the date once we know it, have to fit in with everyone’s diaries!

Hope there will be a lot of local interest.

Small items of furniture (small desks, wooden chairs, small cupboards etc – typically monastic cell furniture)


odds and ends plus other small items.

All items will be priced ……

hello again

Hi everyone,

As you know we are now closed as a community. The monastery is now up for sale!

Despite all this doom and gloom over the last year, we have had some good times including last spring with a duck and her 14 ducklings even though only 12 survived. Well, this year the ducks are back. Yes, mom and dad are here and this morning there were 4 ducks in the courtyard again. I await to see what happens and hope mom has another little brood. So far it is wet, windy and cold but she’s a touch cookie and will do ok.

M. D

Hello, Goodbye & Thanks

Dear Freinds and followers,

Over the years many of you have found solace and support from the material of our website and blog and I thank you. But at this stage of our community’s rich spiritual history it is now with deep regret and sadness that the community is folding up.

Due to the restrictions of Cor Orans we have had to affiliate with another community and in light of that we are now closing in the coming months.

Sadly, to due to Covid-19 we are not able to have a fond farewell with our many friends and family. I will keep open the email address for the moment so if anyone wishes to get in touch then please feel to do so, but may I also say due to the many demands put on us at the moment with the colossal task of clearing out and sorting through things you may not get a quick response. Please keep the sisters in your prayers as we do you!

Thank you, and take care and keep safe – always!




The Easter Chick

On the Octave day of Easter you’ll never guess what happened here at Colwich? Give you 3 guesses ……. have you got it? By the title of this post ‘The Easter Chick’ it should have given you a clue, yes, chicks!

Our pair of Mallards who have been regular visitors to our courtyard over the last few years have had a nest and the beautiful duck has given birth to 14 wonderful furry beauties……. here is a photo of them.

Love is the light

Love is the Light

Love is the light – and in the end, the only light – that can always illuminate a world grown dim and give us the courage needed to keep living and working. Love is possible, and we are able to practise it because we are created in the image of God.

Pope Benedict XVI: Encyclical Deus Caritas Est (God is Love)

Thank you NHS

As the Country came together to pay their thanks to the NHS last night and clapped for carers at 8pm – some of us gathered and prayed a decade of the Holy Rosary for them along with the Memorare!

Well done guys and keep going – don’t give in and don’t give up hope! We are there praying for you all………


A thought for the day …

Hello everyone,

I have just finished by lent reading for today and it a book called ‘Seeking Peace’ by Johann Christoph Arnold. As I read it there were various comments mentioned in which I thought was very applicable today as the world is in Chaos and people are feeling very afraid, vulnerable, isolated and perhaps alone.

You are not alone! We are in this crises all together and one thing that is coming out of this is the huge support that is seen all over the world to the medical staff and volunteers – I THANK YOU! We are praying for you all no matter who you are, we are in this together. Also for all those in local communities who come together to help those who are isolated and cannot get out for food and medicine.

What I want to share with you is this passage from the book mentioned:

‘ .. as we strive for peace, we should not forget that the hidden prayers offered by nuns, contemplatives, old men and women, the sick in hospitals make up a crucial part of our struggle, one every bit as noteworthy as the more visible activity carried out by those on the front lines by the young and the physically strong’.


How do you cope with isolation?

To live in a monastic community and living in isolation and social distancing is part of our way of life and it takes time and patience to cope with this, it is also a time of grace to get to know someone better. It is hard but it is worth it’s weight in gold as it were. We in community don’t choose who we live with, granted that, but we do make a total decision to give up everything to serve God. We get to know the other members through time and perseverance. We have a timetable and that takes discipline to stick to it daily, meals are together in common, prayer is in common, work is done separately, reading in private and of course community time is Recreation time – these are precious moments.

It may be hard because you don’t know what to do or how to go about it but self discipline and a timetable is the trick. Keep to a normal as possible routine eg, getting up, having breakfast, meal times together etc. Part of St. Benedict’s Rule is self discipline and balance. Have fun too and make time for yourselves, chill out and relax.

Don’t run away from a situation but face up to it, get the balance right. These are the people you love at the end of the day.


Hello Everyone

Sorry for the distance and lack of communication but I found I couldn’t get into the site. However I am back!

Hope you are all ok among the crises of Covid-19 and keeping well and safe?

With talk of social distancing and self isolation, it makes me think ‘sounds like monastic life’.

Turn to God in prayer and pray the Rosary! We all need to work together.


Welcome again!

Today we welcomed back some ‘old friends’ from the UCM (Union of Catholic Mothers). It may have been a very wet and thundery morning to begin with but you all brought out the sunshine at intervals later on in the day. What a wonderful day you have had with a lovely and prayerful mass and of course a wonderful talk in the afternoon followed by Exposition and Benediction!

We’ll see you next year!
God bless

Douai Youth Retreat

Hi Folks,
I have been asked to let you know of the following:

Are you 18-40, do you want to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic faith,

learn its devotions and meet like minded people? Young Catholic Adults are

organizing a weekend at Douai Abbey in Berkshire). You’ll be able to hear

catechetical talks, (e.g. from Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald an author Stephen Bullivant) learn how to sing Gregorian Chant, say the Rosary,

socialize and have fun. Book soon as places are limited! All Masses are in the

Old Rite.

To book goto:-

For updates goto:-

For more details goto:-

Prices start from £25.

A notice – and an invitation

(all images in this post cheekily pinched from the internet and not posed by actual Colwich nuns)


The Community is on retreat from this (Monday) afternoon until the end of Wednesday. Please keep all of us in your prayers as we also remember you in ours.

By Willard Austria – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Mother Abbess and the Community would love to welcome you to Colwich for the Triduum and Easter Sunday this year – as usual there will be accommodation available, both in the guestquarters and in the Cottage. If you do not wish to stay then you are of course just as welcome to come to the ceremonies. The liturgical schedule during these four days is given below:

Holy Thursday

07:45   Morning Office
11:30   Midday Office
17:00   Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Watching until 20:00
20:00   Compline

Good Friday

07:45   Morning Office
11:30   Midday Office
15:00   Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
18:00   Compline

Holy Saturday

07:45   Morning Office
11:30   Midday Office
18:00   Vespers
21:00   Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday

07:45   Regina Cæli and Lauds
09:30   Mass
11:30   Midday Office
17:00   Benediction
18:00   Vespers
20:00   Compline

Y’all come now!